
Quickstart: Standalone

Flask provides a built-in webserver and it is sufficient for self hosting rpm-versiontracker and personal usage.

To start the standalone webserver:

$ ./
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

You will be able to access the application on

Running behind an application and web server

If you are expecting any kind of real traffic, you probably want to run rpm-versiontracker from an application server and put a web server or reverse-proxy in front of it.

There’s many ways to get a Flask application running. Flask has great documentation on the different deployment options.

Perhaps your favorite setup is with Apache and mod_wsgi or you’re used to gunicorn and nginx in front instead. Flask is very flexible in this regard.

What you need to know is that the application to start is run:app where run references and app the actual Flask application.

The REST API is currently unrestricted. It is highly recommended to secure access to it with the help of a web server or other means as it could fairly easily be abused or used in amplification attacks.